LSCL must allocate funds for health services to fight diseases /by Ar Sanjay Goel
Ludhiana is a big industrial unplanned city

Smart health and smart education can create more smart citizens to support upcoming smart city.
Ludhiana is a big industrial unplanned city. In case of emergencies like COVID - 19 Ludhiana needs few more big government hospitals better than existing old civil hospital.
My request to Board of Directors of Ludhiana Smart City Ltd to kindly allocate more funds for new as well as existing government hospitals in Ludhiana city.
Pollution level, traffic congestion is highest in congested city of Ludhiana and our existing hospitals in case of emergencies cannot take load of patients as many neighbouring towns are also dependent upon Ludhiana for health care.
Hope Punjab Government and Chairman LSCL shall focus on it on urgent basis to provide good health services as per Pan City initiatives under SCM as Punjab Health System Corporation working under Health Ministry of Punjab Government is having limited resources and funds .
(The Author Ar Sanjay Goel os Director- LSCL)