Mega Virtual HR Conclave, 2021
HR in the new era- challenges and way forward held at GNA University

GNA University in collaboration with the Core HR-IR Group organized a Mega Virtual HR Conclave, 2021: HR in the New Era- Challenges & Way Forward with an objective of providing solutions to recent challenges in Human Resource and Operations. The virtual conclave was attended by personnel from the Industrial fraternity such as CHRO’s, CIO’s, HR Professionals, HR Service Providers and many others as well as by the Academicians and Research Scholars.
The event was graced by the benign presence of the Chief Guest, Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal, the Vice Chairman of Bharti Enterprises, who congratulated GNA University at the first hand for organizing such a fabulous event and further necessitated the need to ponder upon such HR issues and how the same can be resolved in the impending years to come.
The Conclave commenced with the Welcome Address delivered by the Master of the Ceremony, Dr. Disha Khanna, Deputy Dean Faculty of Liberal Arts. Dr. Ashutosh Verma, the Organising Secretary of the Conclave briefed the august gathering by giving a bird’s eye view of the Conclave. The Keynote Address was delivered by Dr. Himanshu Rai- Director, IIM Indore. The Speaker threw light on the emerging trends in Human Resources wherein he elaborated different views related to the same. His words of wisdom and encouragement left the audience spell bound.
The HR Conclave was divided into four segments of panel discussions based on multiple issues in the field of Human Resources. These are mentioned as under:
Track 1: HR and Digital Transformation
Track 2: Talent Challenge for the Organizations
Track 3: Agile Leaders in the VUCA World: The New Age Leadership
Track 4: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: The Never-Ending Challenge.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Pro-Chancellor, GNA University congratulated the GNA Business School on the splendid showcasing of the event and especially thanked the Chief Guest for being an integral part of the Conclave and apprising the august audience about the upcoming challenges and ways forward.
Dr V K Rattan, the Vice-Chancellor in his Vote of thanks to the Keynote speaker said, “It is a great delight to hear from a seasoned speaker like you. The pointers raised by you are the concerns in true sense.”
Dr. Monika Hanspal, Dean Academics expressed, “It is a proud privilege for our University to have this Conclave organised in the presence of talented stalwarts and growing professionals.
Dr.R K Mahajan, the Registrar, GNA University in his words congratulated the department and appluaded the sincere efforts of the entire organising team in the successful conduct of the event.
Dr. Sameer Varma, Dean GNA Business School thanked the Management, the eminent guests and the active participation of the participants in making the Conclave a memorable one.