Myofascial therapy workshop
The workshop held at Christian Medical College & Hospital

Ludhiana: The Department of Clinical Haematology, Haemato-Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplantation in collaboration with College of Physiotherapy, conducted a Workshop on ‘Myofascial Therapy’, at Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, on 30th and 31st of January 2021.
Myofascial Release (MFR), represents a widely employed manual technique, specific for fascial tissues, to reduce adhesions, restore and/or optimise fascic sliding mobility, in both acute and chronic conditions. The proposed mechanism for fascial technique, is based on various studies that looked at plastic, viscoelastic and piezoelectric properties of connective tissue. This can be applied in patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) causing headaches, neck pain and back pain.
Haemophilia is a bleeding disorder which causes recurrent joint bleeds leading to joint deformity and chronic pain. Although MFR is used widely in other areas of pain, the department is exploring this technique for the patients with Haemophilia.
The Workshop was open, giving thanks to our Creator God, by Chaplain, Rev. Alex. Director, Dr. William Bhatti gave the opening address while Dr. M. Joseph John, Head of the Department, Clinical Haematology, Haemato-Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplantation and Dr. Sandeep Singh, Principal & Professor, College of Physiotherapy, shared the dais motivating the participating students. Dr. Professor Mullai, Organising Secretary of College of Physiotherapy, along with Dr. Mridul Makkar, organised and facilitated the event for the 36 - Interns and Final Year BPT Students.
Christian Medical College & Hospital, celebrates its heritage of 126 years, which apart from Clinical service to the community, prides itself in uplifting the knowledge of the students, through teaching and research.