NAAC sponsored national seminar on quality enhancement at Home Science College
Theme of seminar centered upon improving qualitative aspects of education

Chandigarh: A NAAC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Quality Enhancement in Higher Education’ was held at Government Home Science College on February 14, 2020. The main theme of the seminar centered upon improving the qualitative aspects of education as per the directives of assessment and accreditation criteria of NAAC. The seminar provided a platform for more than 110 delegates including academicians, research scholars, PhD scholars, faculty and entrepreneurs from different parts of the country.
Prof. Sudha Katyal, Principal, Government Home Science College, delivered the welcome address. The honorable Chief Guest of the seminar, Prof. Nilofer Khan, Director (Home Science, School of Applied Sciences and Technology) and Ex- Registrar, University of Kashmir, Srinagar delivered the inaugural speech. She emphasized upon the need of quality enhancement to ensure a better future of the students.
Four plenary sessions from technical experts of various fields were conducted.
Dr. Archana Mishra, NAAC Incharge Haryana-cum- Principal, Government College, Sector-1, Panchkula, Haryana, emphasized on ‘Best Practices in Higher Educational Institutions’. She brought into limelight various strategies that a college must adopt to score well in this criterion and further elaborated Divyaang friendly and PATANG programme that a college must adopt for improvising the score.
Dr. Dalip Kumar, Additional State Project Director, RUSA, Sector- 42, Chandigarh emphasized on ‘Online Assessment and Accreditation Methodology in Revised Accreditation Framework’. He highlighted the various criterions of NAAC assessment and the dynamics of revised framework. He elaborated the registration process in detail and concluded his words by quoting that education, quality education and poverty eradication goes hand in hand.
Sarvjeet Singh, CII Chairman Co- Founder and Managing Director of Finvasia Group of Companies Chandigarh highlighted the ‘Role of Incubators and Accelerators in Higher Education’. He elaborated the difference between incubators and accelerators and encouraged the audience to evolve themselves with changes and build networks with alumni to gather experiences.
Dr. Amol P Bhondekar, Sr. Principal Scientist, Agrionics- Post Harvest Technologies, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh elaborated the ‘Importance of R&D-Academia Interface for Higher Education’. He emphasized on the pillars of global competitiveness and various strategic technologies that must be adopted.
Parallel oral and poster presentation sessions were conducted post lunch.
The valedictory session was chaired by Emeritus Prof. Neelam Khetarpaul, Ex- Dean of IC College of Home Science, CCS Hisar Agricultural University, Hisar. Prof. SudhaKatyal, was the co-chairperson. Highlights, recommendations and suggestions of all the technical sessions were deliberated upon and read out by all the rapporteurs.
Prizes were awarded for best poster presentation.
The day saw a plethora of academic activities. Principal, Prof. Sudha Katyal congratulated all the staff members for hosting this day of full of academic insights and discernment so successfully and hoped that today’s proceedings and deliberations will find a place of immense value in their respective fields.