National webinar on ‘transition from school to higher education by PU Education Deptt
The inaugural session was conducted by Prof NavleenKaur

Chandigarh: A two days National Seminar on the theme ‘Transition from School to Higher Education in the context of National Education Policy 2020’ was organised from September 21-22,2020 by Centre for Academic Leadership & Education Management (CALEM) Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, MHRD (GOI) in collaboration with Institute of Education and Vocational Education, and SWAYAM Cell Panjab University, Chandigarh through Online mode. This seminar is under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of the Government of India. Around 400 participants from various Universities and Colleges around the country are attending the seminar.
The programme started with the welcome address by Prof. Raj Kumari Gupta, Senior most Professor in the Dept. of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh Professor Jatinder Grover, Dean faculty of Education and Coordinator CALEM, Panjab University, Chandigarh. He shared the setting-up of CALEM Centre in Panjab University, as one of the four centres selected for Academic Leadership and Education Management in India. While introducing the theme of the seminar ‘Transition from School to Higher Education in the context of National Education Policy 2020’ which was conceived to have a discourse among the academic intelligentsia on the recommendations of National Education Policy-2020 about school education and teacher education. This two days’ national seminar will deliberate on the following themes covering various aspects of School and Teacher Education as per recommendations of NEP 2020.
Professor Raj Kumar,Vice-Chancellor Panjab University inaugurated the seminar. He focused on the need of the National Education Policy 2020 in the present changing society which will act as a bridge to cover the gaps of the earlier policies.
Dr. Vishal Sharma introduced the Chief Guest Padamshree Prof. J.S. Rajput, former Chairperson NCTE, Former Director NCERT, Educational Advisor to the Government of India. He shared his views on the NEP 2020.He referred to the United Nations Delors Report “Learning: The Treasure Within” where it had stated what the new policy has projected. The policies should be based on whom to teach, what to teach, and who will teach, and what curriculum will be taught. He quoted Mahatma Gandhi’s on basic education where importance was given to the Hand, the Head, and the Heart. He ended his address by saying that what impedes the progress of man is when s/he is not given the power of ideas, imagination, curiosity, and creativity. This policy will try to cover up these gaps.
Dr.Kanwalpreet Kaur introduced the keynote speaker Prof. Saroj Sharma from Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha University, New Delhi focused on five issues as of paramount importance in NEP 2020, these being Value Based education, Skill development, Self-dependency, and India Centric. She focused on community participation in the education system, internship and mentoring of the students by the skilled workers as agriculturalists, etc. She emphasised on the training of anganwadi workers as well as the parents for bringing quality education starting from the grassroots.
Prof. Kirandeep Singh proposed Vote of Thanks. The inaugural session was conducted by Prof. Navleen Kaur .