National Youth Day marked by Centre for Social Work
The Centre for Social Work celebrated 161st birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda as, he is the leader and a role model of youngsters not only in India but worldwide.

Chandigarh, January 15, 2024: The Centre for Social Work celebrated 161st birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda as, he is the leader and a role model of youngsters not only in India but worldwide.
The department had invited Prof. Anju Suri, Dean, Faculty of Arts as the chief guest at this occasion and she highlighted the various teachings of Swami Vivekananda. She focused on the importance of digital technology in today's world and especially for the social workers. She narrated the examples of various personalities alongwith their contribution in the field of social service. She appealed the young students to act as leaders and torch bearers for the various societal problems prevalent today. Gaurav Gaur, Chairperson, Centre for Social Work laid emphasis on the role of field work for the budding Social Workers with various examples. He also narrated the work done by the previous students and how that has helped them to learn the harsh realities of the ground level.
Prof. Monica Munjial Singh who motivated the students and encouraged them to work harder. There were four alumnus who recently joined as Medicial social workers at PGIMER, Chandigarh namely Arpna, Gurpreet, Piyush and Shubham, who also addressed the students. They shared their own experiences while they were studying in the department and afterwards. They narrated various stories of learning while studying from the field work experience. They also shared the significance of balancing the personal and professional life. The students also interacted with them and found solutions for their queries. The session ended with a message that the work done during young age would certainly be helpful in the later stage of life.