Natural Calamities Are Creating Atmosphere Of Havoc Due To Climate Change And Global Warming
Unexpected Natural calamities are occurring creating atmosphere of havoc due to climate change and global warming. It was in Nineties when the Environment Scientists warned about the global warming and clearly predicted of melting of glaciers and rise in the level of Oceans and rising of temperature by one degree. Due to infrastructure development, industrial, automobile revolution and the emission from the vehicles and industrial units have always been a great threat towards changing climate and global warming.

Unexpected Natural calamities are occurring creating atmosphere of havoc due to climate change and global warming. It was in Nineties when the Environment Scientists warned about the global warming and clearly predicted of melting of glaciers and rise in the level of Oceans and rising of temperature by one degree. Due to infrastructure development, industrial, automobile revolution and the emission from the vehicles and industrial units have always been a great threat towards changing climate and global warming.
Even the Western countries are facing threats of global warming and climate change as they are either witnessing excess of Snow fall or excess of rains creating a threat to the flash floods. Even though science and technology and information technology have reached to new heights of prediction but the natural calamities when occurs create havoc and they really upset the economy and the people of that area where natural calamity creates great hurdles and miseries for the residents of that areas.
Earthquakes, Tsunami and cyclone are part and parcel of natural disasters and recently cyclone that hit Gujarat really brought the life to standstill. Heavy rains lashed Gujarat and at present some parts of Rajasthan are witnessing heavy rains. It is pertinent to note that rains in Rajasthan will certainly one day change the quality of agriculture land to fertile land. Similarly rains some parts of Northern India and snowfall in the hilly areas had brought the mercury down giving relief to the common man from the excess heat wave that used to affect the masses in the month of June in Northern India, including Punjab.
The Union and State Governments have always tried its best to shift the persons to safe areas before the cyclone so that the minimum loss may be to human beings. Due to the development works and inflating population and widening of roads / national highways trees to the tune of lacks have been axed and now the government is proposing for new sapling on the both sides of the constructed highways. Even though the forest area is increased by plantation of new saplings but due to axed trees and emission of the vehicles, heat released by air conditioners the temperature rises to some extent create excess heat in the atmosphere. The increasing number of vehicles is a threat to the ecological balance in coming years as we all should pledge to plant one sapling every year. If possible, we should plant a fruit sapling so that the birds and insects can survive on the fruits of the trees and future offspring.
Even though in the meeting of Developed Countries the issue of global warming and climate change is always discussed on priority and try to find out solution for the coming future years, how to protect earth from natural calamities. Time is changing as earlier Railway engines used to run by coal and then by diesel and now by electric power creating no pollution. Similarly, earlier the cars were on petrol and then on diesel and now electric cars and scooters are in the market which are helpful to keep the ecological balance intact.
It is human being who should try to keep strict vigil on pollution, keep ecological balance intact and try to guide and educate the younger generation, how to keep the environment pollution free and highlight the slogan “Plant a Sapling and Let it become a Tree”.
Authored by:
Rajat Kumar Mohindru,
Senior Journalist,
Jalandhar City.