New collector rates fixed for District Ludhiana
Residents can give suggestions by checking rates on official website by March 24

Ludhiana: The draft regarding the newly fixed collector rates for revenue areas of the district have been uploaded on the official website of district Ludhiana. The residents can submit their suggestions by checking the official website by March 24, 2020.
While providing information, Deputy Commissioner Mr Pradeep Kumar Agrawal said that the collector rates have been revised as per sub rule 3A of Punjab Stamp (Dealing of Under Valued Instruments) Rules 1983. He said that the rates have been uploaded on the District Administration’s official website,, and people can give their suggestions in this regard by March 24, 2020. He said that the suggestions have to be given in written form at the office of concerned Sub Divisional Magistrate. He informed that these rates have been fixed and implemented for a period of April 1, 2020 till March 31, 2021.