No wealth is greater than knowledge: VC Prof. Sudesh

The Central Library of BPSMV organized a one-day awareness program on the topic 'ORCID and INFLIBNET Services for Scholarly Communities'. 

No wealth is greater than knowledge: VC Prof. Sudesh

Sonipat, 28 July, 2024: The Central Library of BPSMV organized a one-day awareness program on the topic 'ORCID and INFLIBNET Services for Scholarly Communities'. 

Vice Chancellor Prof. Sudesh inaugurated this program as the chief guest. Officiating Registrar Prof. Shweta Singh was present as the guest of honour.

VC Prof. Sudesh said that there is no wealth greater than knowledge and books are an inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge. Describing digitization as the need of the hour, the Vice Chancellor said that it helps in the smooth exchange of information. She inspired the research scholars to take advantage of modern technology and enhance the quality of their research work.

Resource persons Dr. Kenan and Hitesh Solanki informed about the importance of ORCID. Program Convener and Librarian Dr. Ashok Kumar highlighted the outline of the program. Around 150 participants from various universities and colleges attended the program.