Non-local labourer's murder: Kashmir brick kiln owner arrested
Police on Monday arrested the owner of a brick kiln after the murder of a non-local labourer in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district.

Srinagar, June 6 (IANS) Police on Monday arrested the owner of a brick kiln after the murder of a non-local labourer in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district.
Police sources said Muhammad Yousuf Mir, who owns a brick kiln in Magraypora Chadoora, has been arrested for non-compliance of government orders.
On June 2, terrorists killed a non-local labourer namely, Dilkhush Kumar of Bihar at a brick kiln in Magraypora village.
Police have advised all the brick kiln owners and managers to strictly follow the guidelines issued by the government/administration to ensure safety of the labourers working in their respective units.
In case of non-compliance or negligence, police said strict action would be taken.