Nottingham Trent University (NTU), UK to strengthen collaborations with PU- Signed MoUs
An international delegation comprising Professor Edward Peck, Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Cillian Ryan, Pro Vice-Chancellor International, Professor Neil Mansfield -Executive Dean-Research and International Reputation, Stephen Williams, Director, NTU Global, Professor Mohsen Rahmani, Department of Engineering, School of Science and Technology, Vidhi Sahae, Senior Global Partnerships Manager, from Nottingham Trent University (NTU) United Kingdom (UK) visited Panjab University (PU) on February 13, 2024. The delegation met with the Vice Chancellor Professor Renu Vigto discuss current and future collaborative initiatives under the partnership between PU and NTU.

Chandigarh, February 13, 2024: An international delegation comprising Professor Edward Peck, Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Cillian Ryan, Pro Vice-Chancellor International, Professor Neil Mansfield -Executive Dean-Research and International Reputation, Stephen Williams, Director, NTU Global, Professor Mohsen Rahmani, Department of Engineering, School of Science and Technology, Vidhi Sahae, Senior Global Partnerships Manager, from Nottingham Trent University (NTU) United Kingdom (UK) visited Panjab University (PU) on February 13, 2024. The delegation met with the Vice Chancellor Professor Renu Vigto discuss current and future collaborative initiatives under the partnership between PU and NTU.
After formal introduction, the existing MoU between PU and NTU was renewedfor a term of another five years. The focus of this MoU shall be on the mutual exchange of information on course development and teaching methods, development of collaborative courses leading to awards of NTU, exchange and mobility of staff and students, development of joint research projects, organizing joint lectures and seminars etc.
A Progression Agreement with University Institute of Legal Studies was also signed. Under this Agreement, PU students who have successfully completed the PU course, be eligible to apply to Progress onto the start of the relevant NTU course on the terms set out in the Progression Agreement. All students who progress directly from the PU Course to the NTU Course at Nottingham Law School will receive a flat rate discount of 3000/- Pounds off the published Tuition Fees for the first year of study at NTU.
Professor Sanjeev Puri, Director, University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET) highlighted the outcomes of sponsored research projects, and future plans to be achieved under the collaboration between PU and NTU. He shared that 13 papers were published, two bilateral visits were arranged and four collaborative events were organized under collaborative projects.
Professor Edward Peck said ‘It was a pleasure to be back at Panjab University again to celebrate the depth and impact of our partnership over the last eight years and to renew our collaboration which will take us to an even more exciting future.’ Professor Neil Mansfield confirmed that NTU would be delighted to support 6 dual PhD students where research will be conducted on both the institutions.
Professor Renu Vig emphasized the need for international collaborations and their impact on university ranking at the international level. The possibilities of dual Ph.D. degree and postgraduate degrees in various disciplines and collaboration in relevant areas of research and development were also discussed.
Professor Rumina Sethi, Dean University Instruction (PU), Professor Harsh Nayyar, Director, Research & Development Cell (PU), Professor Y.P. Verma, Registrar, Professor Sanjeev Sharma, Director IQAC, Professor Sanjeev Puri, Director, UIET, Professor Shruti Bedi, Director UILS, Professor Monika Aggarwal, Director UIAMS, Prof. Prabhdeep Brar, University Institute of Fashion technology, Professor Upneet Mangat, Centre for Human Rights, Professor Krishan Kumar Saluja, Secretary to Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Gaurav Sapra, UIET, Professor Kewal Krishan, Dean, International Students, were also present in the meeting.