On World Yoga Day, special event organised at Shivpuri Mandir

On the occasion of World Yoga Day, a special event was organised at Shivpuri Mandir, Ludhiana, where Dr.Baldev Singh Aulakh, renowned Chief Urologist and Transplant Surgeon, Chairman Aykai Hospital, Ludhiana, President Gift of Life Organ Donation Awareness Society (GLODAS) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. 

On World Yoga Day, special event organised at Shivpuri Mandir

Ludhiana, June 21, 2024: On the occasion of World Yoga Day, a special event was organised at Shivpuri Mandir, Ludhiana, where Dr.Baldev Singh Aulakh, renowned Chief Urologist and Transplant Surgeon, Chairman Aykai Hospital, Ludhiana, President Gift of Life Organ Donation Awareness Society (GLODAS) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. 

The event aimed to highlight the profound benefits of yoga for maintaining a healthy body and mind.
Dr.Aulakh delivered an insightful health talk emphasizing the importance of yoga in promoting overall wellbeing. Yoga is known for its holistic benefits, improving physical health through flexibility, strength, and balance, while also enhancing mental well-being through stress reduction, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. He provided valuable health tips on safeguarding kidney health, underscoring preventive measures for maintaining optimal kidney function.
The event saw a significant turnout, with attendees from diverse backgrounds eager to learn and participate in celebrating the ancient practice of yoga. 

Dr.Aulakh also took the opportunity to shed light on the critical issue of organ donation. He passionately discussed how a single organ donation can potentially save up to eight lives, stressing the urgent need for more individuals to pledge for organ donation.

"In the face of organ shortages, many lives are lost while waiting for transplants," remarked Dr.Aulakh. He said, "It's imperative that we come together and commit to organ donation to help alleviate this crisis."

The audience was deeply moved and inspired by Dr.Aulakh's words, with many expressing their willingness to register as organ donors to contribute towards saving lives. The event concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment from all attendees to actively support the cause of organ donation.