Once again PM’s address to nation disappoints us: IDPD
It lacked any vision to sort out the problems
Ludhiana: Like the previous addresses, today also the address of the Prime Minister to the nation was disappointing. It lacked any vision to sort out the problems being faced by the health personnel as well as the poor people for their food and ration and put all the responsibility on the citizens.
In a statement Dr S S Soodan, President Indian Doctors for Peace and development (IDPD), Sr. Vice President Dr. Arun Mitra and General Secretary Dr Shakeel ur Rahman said that there is ample scientific evidence to prove that nutrition is the mainstay to build immunity in a person. With nearly 50 crore of people unable to get three square meals, what to talk of balanced food, during this lockdown, it would be naive to expect that the people will have enough immunity to protect themselves in case of surge of the Covid 19.
They added that in his speech the PM has postponed for one week the discussion on how to supply rations to the crores of people which means large number of them will go hungry during this period. Moreover he has not said a word about the accommodation to the poor people because they are living in densely populated areas which defeats the purpose of physical distancing and lock down. The prime minister did not utter a word about facilities to the health personnel nor about any budgetary allocation. The prime minister just appealed for respect to them. Neither did he say a word about manhandling of doctors by some unscrupulous elements and even the police in some instances. To compare our data with the western countries is meaningless because they have different climatic conditions and different immune status. There is a huge gap between the tests done in India and the western countries. “We should compare our data with the neighboring countries and African countries”, he said.