Online Workshop at HRDC, PU

Chandigarh, October 25, 2021: A 3-days online workshop began in the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Panjab University, Chandigarh on “Competency Development in Critical Thinking” for research scholars who are registered for their Ph.D. programme.
Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice Chancellor of the Central University of Haryana interacted with the participants and highlighted that critical thinking leads to problem solving which is a trait needed in every sphere of life. Observation, clear thinking, analysis and implementation are the different steps of critical thinking. It is a way of life which transforms you as a person & as a researcher.
Prof. A.K. Nandakumaran from Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore delved upon the components of critical thinking and also shared his own experience of teaching critical thinking to students at a prime institute of India.
Scholars from Chandigarh, Varanasi and Lucknow are participating in the program. Resource persons from Indian Institute of Sciences, Central University of Haryana and IGNOU are interacting with the scholars to inculcate in them the mind-set to think in a critical manner as well as practice the different strategies of critical thinking.