OPA Calendar 2024 Released
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) was held on 17 December 2023. To celebrate Victory Day, this time AGM was held at PVR and members got the opportunity to pay tributes to the 1971 war heroes, movie SamBahadur was also screened after the AGM.

Ludhiana, December 18, 2023: The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) was held on 17 December 2023. To celebrate Victory Day, this time AGM was held at PVR and members got the opportunity to pay tributes to the 1971 war heroes, movie SamBahadur was also screened after the AGM.
During the AGM the annual report of OPA and audited balance sheet was submitted. The OPA Calendar 2024 was also released on the occasion. This calendar is always in high demand because it not only contains the dates and holidays, but all the information about print events/exhibitions throughout the world, that is why OPA Calendar is popularly known as the printers’ companion, because it is not just a dated calendar but also contains information about the activities related to the printing and packaging industry.
Speaking on the occasion, Manoj Kumar, project in-charge, said, “It is the 18th edition of the popular OPA calendar. Copies of the calendar are made available not only to the members of OPA but to the printing and packaging players throughout India.”
While releasing the OPA Calendar 2024, Parveen Aggarwal, President OPA said, “We are thankful for the support being given by the industry for this venture. OPA has been serving the printing and packaging industry for the last more than 35 years and has established a name not only in the country but in the world. OPA has many firsts to its credit, all credit goes to the dedicated members and the untiring management team.”