Open forum on Vivekananda’s India at USOL
Forum primarily focused on Vivekananda’s Vision of India

Chandigarh: In commemoration of the birthday of Swami Vivekananda Ji, University School of Open Learning (USOL), P.U. organized an “Open Forum” themed “India of Vivekananda” to have deliberations on the life, teachings and interventions of Vivekananda.
The forum primarily focused on the Vivekananda’s Vision of India which includes humanism, tolerance, inclusion, justice and value-inculcation. His exemplary life and vision provides spiritual, intellectual and ethical resources that may be appropriated for the cultivation of human psyche as well as social transformation and awakening.
On the occasion, the Dean University Instruction, Prof. Shankarji Jha stressed the significance of the Vedantic philosophy that included an emphasis on “Unity in diversity”, tolerance and integration of preaching and practice.
The key note Speaker Prof. H.P. Sah from Philosophy spoke about significance of the speech of Vivekananda at London in 1896, to focus on an alternative vision of life including detachment and freedom from bondage. His life is a message, the professor stressed.
Ms. Alkaguri from the Vivekananda Kendra, Chandigarh spoke on the expansion of consciousness from self to family to society to Nation for building of cosmopolitan humanity.
Dr. Pankaj Srivastava from Philosophy department spoke on the significance of Vivekananda’s teachings for the youth. Swami Aseemananda, founder Atmalingan Gurukulam, spoke on the exploration of the truth, unity between doing and being and an educational significance of Vivekananda’s teachings.
Mr. Piyush Punj, Principal, Vivekananda Millenium School, Pinjore, spoke on how he trains the students in his school keeping in view the vision and teachings of the Swami.
The USOL Chairperson, Prof. Madhurima Verma welcomed the dignitaries, introduced the theme and emphasized the significance of Vivekananda’s teachings in the cultivation of human sensibility and agency.
The event included students’ presentations from Govt. Model High School, Sector-12, Chandigarh and made a poetic presentation. The forum included an active participation from the faculty members from the different departments of the University.