Oswal Group gifted PPE Kits to Civil Hospital
These high quality PPE Kits are being manufactured locally in Oswal Woolen Mills of Nahar Group of Industries

Ludhiana: Appreciating the initiative taken by the Ludhiana District Health Authorities in fight against the COVID 19 pandemic, Jawahar Lal Oswal, Chairman - Nahar Group of Industries took gifted 300 SITRA tested and approved PPE Kits to Dr. Rajesh Kumar Bagga, Civil Surgeon Ludhiana. These PPEs were handed over by Dr. N.K. Chaudhry, Director and Mr. Yogendra Awadhiya, Head Operations of Mohandai Oswal Hospital. These high quality PPE Kits are being manufactured locally in Oswal Woolen Mills of Nahar Group of Industries and are being used by the healthcare workers at Mohandai Oswal Hospital Ludhiana, Informed by Yogendra Awadhiya.
Dr. Rajesh Bagga, Civil Surgeon Ludhiana, thanked this kind gesture of Jawahar Lal Oswal – Chairman Nahar Group of Industries and appreciated the active role of MOH Ludhiana in this difficult time of COVID 19 pandemic.
Jawahar Lal Oswal has assured that Nahar Group of Industries and Mohan Dai Oswal Hospital are always ready to support to the humanity in such pandemic situations.