Paediatric High Dependency Unit (PHDU) inaugurated

Ludhiana, December 10, 2021: DMCH is working day and night to strengthen the health infrastructure with the aim to provide best medical care facilities for the patients and their attendant.
10 bedded Paediatrics High Dependency Unit was inaugurated recently in paediatric ward by Secretary Sh Prem Kumar Gupta. Other present on the occasion were Principal Dr Sandeep Puri, Dean Academics Dr Sandeep Kaushal, Medical Supdts. Dr Ashwani K Chaudhary & Dr Sandeep Sharma.
In his message, Prem Kumar Gupta, said that DMCH is always committed to provide the best medical facilities to the patients. Further Sh Gupta said that, this HDU (High Dependency Unit) provides specialized care to the sick children for more extensively than the normal ward.
Principal, Dr Sandeep Puri, said that Paediatrics High Dependency Unit is a dedicated area which is managed by expert team of paediatricians who take care the children day and night, those are critically ill and need closer observation and monitoring.
Giving information about this unit, Dr Puneet A Pooni, Professor & Head Department of Paediatrics said that, Paediatrics High Dependency Unit is for those sick children who are critical but do not need ventilator and need continued monitoring. All beds have multi-channel monitors and sick patients who need oxygen; Non-invasive ventilation like HFNC, BiPAP etc. are managed in PHDU said Dr Pooni.
Further Dr Pooni said that with this facility many more sick children can be managed. DMCH is the first hospital in Punjab which has the facility of separate Paediatric ICU, (started in 1999) and is level 3 accredited by intensive care chapter and paediatric critical care college for fellowship also.