Panjab University all set to develop entrepreneurship, employability and innovation hub under RUSA
To be done grant of Rs 50 Crores by the Ministry of Human Resource Development

Chandigarh: Panjab University, Chandigarh received grant of Rs 7.5Crores as the first instalment towards Innovation hub under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shikhsa Abhiyan (RUSA) for establishing Hub for Entrepreneurship, Employability and Innovation against grant of Rs 50 Crores by the Ministry of Human Resource Development . The Grant consists of two components - Rs 15 crores, of which first 50% instalment is received by PU for Innovation Hub, whereas Rs 35 Crores exclusively for research,which is awaited.
Professor Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University has been making efforts for this project by presenting the same in a new format after which PU was successfully awarded grant of Rs 50 Crores by the Ministry of Human Resource Development .PU VC informed that the grant from RUSA will impact on the growth as well as ranking of the university . This is also a blessing for the fund starved university where very little is available for research, infrastructure and innovation. Lately University also submitted additional project for Rs 20 Crores for infrastructure development for which final approval is awaited. The proposed Hub will give unique blend of skill development and startup as well as incubation possibilities to all budding students of the university from all sections not only from the university campus, but also from the all colleges situated in Chandigarh,he added.
Professor Rajeev K. Puri, University Coordinator for RUSA elaborated that this grant will be spent in creating new facility for State of Art Incubation center for which new building is proposed, for Skill development and for pre-incubation centers at various departments of the university as well for shaping soft skills of the students for various sections so that we can prepare the students for better jobs in the markets. The incubation center will also support start ups with soft support via loan or seed money so that their proposals, as well as new innovations can be transformed into industrial platform. He further elaborated that this incubation center as well as pre-incubation hubs will be very fruitful for the university as these will eventually not only help in jobs prospects, but at the same time will give budding entrepreneurships as well as startups all facilities under one roof that ranges from incubating the idea to its market selling aspects.