Panjab University Alumni Association proud of research aptitude of achievers
Wishes them all the best for their future endeavours

Chandigarh: Panjab University Alumni Association has taken many initiatives to promote and enhance research work in the university and one of them is the PU Alumni Association Research Grant. Every year the department contributes some part of the student fees collected from the University and its affiliated colleges to support the grant. As per the guidelines set by the Syndicate 20% of the total collection must be utilized for the same in light of which the Panjab University Alumni Association gives out cash prizes to the toppers as well as some selected research papers every year. The following are the research projects which were selected for the 2019 research grant.
The first selected project is titled Correlation between the financial literacy and the power of decision making- A study of families in Punjab by Dr.PunamAggarwal(HOD, BCA Dept. GCG Sector 42, Chandigarh). The paper discusses the importance of financial education and awareness which enables consumers take informed decision regarding financial products and how it is crucial for both emerging and developed economies. Talking about the factors which influence the financial literacy among individuals, Dr.Punam prominently talks of ‘gender’ as one factor. Considering women as comparatively financially illiterate as compared to men, the paper investigates various aspects which influence financial knowledge amongst men and women. The second project was conducted by Dr.Kawalpreet Kaur (Dpt. Of Botany SGGS College, Chandigarh) titled Effects of Polyamines on Growth Patterns, Pigments and its Effects on Expression of nutraceutically important phycocyanin Gene of Spirulinaplatensis.The paper begins with an introduction about Spirulinaplatensis,a spirally coiled, filamentous blue green algaeand goes on to establish its nutritional and pharmacological properties in addition to its anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. As a result of its health benefits there has been a regular demand to market these microalgae to the public as multi-nutrient supplement. The study aims at exploring the effect of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) as growth facilitator. It proposes to evaluate the effect of varying concentration of polyamines on the growth and phycocyanin status of Spirulinaso as to delineate its total productivity and its effect at gene level expression of phycocyanin production to enhanced nutraceutical value.
The Third project selected belonged to Dr.Ritu Dang (Assistant Professor BCM College of Education, Ludhiana) titled Adoption of Government School to develop environmental attitude of students to sustain environment by implementing environmental education programme.Dr. Dang alarmingly talks about the depleting state of our environment and stresses the need for environmental education through various programmes. Environmental education emphasises the critical and creative thinking skills to develop responsible and active citizens who can work individually and cooperatively to improve and protect the environment. In lieu of this the study is an attempt to balance nature and develop environmental attitude of school students towards environment. It researches how societal-individual linkage can be improved by enriching biodiversity through school and how Environmental Education Programme (EEP) helps to improve environmental attitude. The fourth project conducted by Dr. (Mrs.) Pooja Prashar (HOD, Dept of History Dev Samaj College for Women, Punjab) titled Oral History on Partition Effects on Ferozepur: A comparative study was chosen for the grant. As the title indicates, the paper talks about Ferozepur and its economic and military importance. Its strategic position in the northwest has resulted in it being a part of many military expeditions as a result of which the city has a rich historical past. However that history has not been preserved judiciously. Therefore the study aims to make digital records of the losing past and to understand how history impacted the lives of its individuals and communities.
Last but not the least, the final research project was conducted by Ms.Satinderpal Kaur (HOD, Dept of Mathematics) &Ms.RuchiKalra (HOD, Dept. Of Home Science) Guru Nank College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib titled Developing learner centric environment in teaching of mathematics and home science. The paper seeks to scrutinize how learners and students are bombarded with information from varying sources such as internet and modern technology. As a result it becomes difficult for teachers to hold learner’s attention in the classroom. Therefore it becomes important to enrich the classroom environment to fulfil learner's curiosity and need. To achieve the same the paper creates challenges for learners in terms of understanding and thinking. It aims to develop research aptitude among students and suggest teaching practices to improve student’s achievements.
Panjab University Alumni Association is proud of the research aptitude of the above achievers and wishes them all the best for their future endeavours. It continues to support research that makes a difference.