Panjab University set up its off-campus accessibility for almost all its e-resources
There were accessed earlier in the University Campus only
Panjab University has set up its off-campus accessibility for almost
all its e-resources which could be accessed earlier in the University
Campus only. This type of facility has been in demand for a long time
from the faculty mainly residing outside the University campus.
AC Joshi Library, the Central Library of Panjab University (PUL)
spends more than Rs.5 Crore on its e-resources which mainly comprise
the e-journal databases like Science Direct, Academic Search Ultimate,
Nature Journals, Emerald Business Insight, etc. Besides this,there are
Indexing & Abstracting databases, Citation databases, Statistical
Databases, Electronic Theses&Dissertations, e-Books, etc.
UGC-INFLIBNET through its Consortium E-ShodhSindhu (eSS) is also
providing access to 14 such databases like American Chemical Society
(ACS), Annual Reviews, MathSciNet, etc. From this year, the PUL has
also started subscribing most of its individual journals in electronic
format with perpetual access. Moreover now these will also be
available off-campus through remote login.In total, PUL is providing
access to10000 plus e-journals to its varied users. In the first
instance, the remote login is provided only to the faculty members.
Subsequently the facility will be extended also to research scholars.
The Library had already planned this service for its researchers and
that had to be activated on April1, 2020. But due to nation-wide
lockdown, it was looking impossible to materialise. But looking at the
relevancy of this facility in this most critical time of global
Covid19pandemic, the service provider RemoteXs has taken keen interest
with the library staff to start this service with extra efforts.
Dr. JiveshBansal, University Librarian shared that this remote login
is available in many research institutions in our country like IITs,
IISERs through Virtual Private Network (VPN) and through various cloud
based proprietary products such as RemoteXs and others.
PanjabUniversity Library after discussing with Director, Computer
Centre has opted cloud based propietery product rather than going for
VPN after taking into consideration security and extra load on the