Paras Health, Panchkula perform DBS surgery in Parkinson’s patients
First in region by formally trained Parkinson’s specialist

Chandigarh, July 7, 2023: Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neuro degenerative disease in the whole world. Its symptoms are often missed or misdiagnosed with old age and many elderly patients are left untreated. Common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include slowness in daily activities, stiffness in body, shaking or trembling of hands, legs, and jaw, difficulty in walking or losing balance while walking.
Paras Health, Panchkula is now first in the region to do this advanced treatment - Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery in Parkinson’s patients with North India’s first formally trained Parkinson’s specialist neurologist - Dr Jaslovleen Sidhu, who is trained at London and Singapore for DBS program.
Patients now can avail such special services and do not have to travel to far off places for this advanced surgery for Parkinson’s disease.
Dr. Jaslovleen Kaur Sidhu, Head-Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders and Dr. Aman Batish, Neurosurgeon at Paras Health, Panchkula have recently performed DBS Surgery at Paras Health, Panchkula on a 64 year old male with Parkinson’s disease.
The patient had symptoms since last 10 years and was taking multiple medications. The patient was screened for the procedure by Parkinson’s disease specialist Dr Jaslovleen Sidhu and after detailed evaluation he was cleared for surgery. Subthalamic nucleus of brain was the planned target by Dr Sidhu. Patient responded well to surgery, and after surgery his medications were reduced to 50%. Patient is now able to do most of his activities, for which he needed support previously.
According to Dr Jaslovleen Sidhu this is like a pacemaker surgery for the brain which can control the symptoms by changing the electrical signals of the electrodes placed in the brain. “Patients who need DBS surgery have to be screened by a Parkinson’s specialist neurologist and have to undergo UPDRS on & off testing before they can be declared fit for surgery. Also, since this is an awake surgery, Parkinson’s specialists have to monitor the patient during the whole surgery to confirm if the electrodes are put in the exact location in the brain, she added.
Dr Aman Batish said that patients need detailed evaluation of all such symptoms and treatment is planned according to their age, symptoms and tolerance. Since Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disease, the medications will not give good effect for long and brain surgery needs to be planned in such cases. Deep Brain Stimulation surgery is done for Parkinson’s disease patients when they develop fluctuations after a few years of medications.
As a patient quoted to Dr Sidhu on his follow-up, “I can tie my own turban now, after a gap of almost 4 years”, as previously he couldn’t tie his turban due to hand tremors and stiffness.”