PAU inks pact with Andhra Pradesh-Based Firm for Oat Variety OL 16
The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) inked a pact with the Gourmet Popcornica LLP based in Andhra Pradesh for the licensing of dual type oat variety OL 16. Dr Ajmer Singh Dhatt, Director of Research, and Rakesh Arora from Gourmet Popcornica LLP, signed the Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of their respective organizations.

Ludhiana, August 27, 2024: The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) inked a pact with the Gourmet Popcornica LLP based in Andhra Pradesh for the licensing of dual type oat variety OL 16. Dr Ajmer Singh Dhatt, Director of Research, and Rakesh Arora from Gourmet Popcornica LLP, signed the Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of their respective organizations.
Dr GS Mangat, Additional Director Research (Agriculture), PAU and Mr Ramesh Chowdary NVV, Vice President of Gourmet Popcornica, were also present on the occasion.
Dr Rahul Kapoor, Senior Forage Breeder, Department of Plant Breeding, stated that this was the first dual type variety of an oat developed and released for the irrigated areas of Punjab during 2022. “Its plants are medium tall having broad leaves and more leafiness with profuse tillering. It has a good fodder, grain and flour quality as well. Its first cut for fodder can be taken at 65-70 days after sowing and yields on an average about 90.0 quintals of green fodder per acre. Its regenerated crop, upon maturity, gives an average 7.6 q/acre grain yield,” he added.
Dr VS Sohu, Head, Department of Plant Breeding, congratulated the scientists as well as the firm for sharing responsibility of the proliferation of the variety developed by the PAU.
Dr Khushdeep Dharni, Associate Director, Technology Marketing and IPR Cell, stated that PAU, Ludhiana was ensuring the dissemination of its varieties and technologies to the masses through the process of commercialization. He said that oat varieties developed by Punjab Agricultural University were getting popular in the markets as well.