PAU organizes farmer trainings on integrated farming systems
The lectures on livestock management, Good Agricultural Practices, post harvest processing, and organic kitchen gardening were delivered

Ludhiana, March 25, 2022: School of Organic Farming, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), organized farmer trainings on “Integrated Farming Systems” at village Nidhan Wala in district Moga and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ferozepur. The trainings, held in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendras at Moga and Ferozepur, were organized under Biotech-KISAN project funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The project is aimed at demonstrating the importance of integrating dairy + goatry + backyard poultry + mushroom cultivation for nutritional and livelihood security of small farmers.
Dr CS Aulakh, Project Coordinator, highlighted the project activities being carried out under the project and encouraged the farmers to adopt safe food production practices to have produce safe and quality agricultural produce.
Dr SS Walia, Director, School of Organic Farming, discussed the importance of integrated farming system approach in enhancing the livelihood security of small and marginal farmers and urged the farmers to adopt subsidiary enterprises to sustain their income.
The lectures on livestock management, Good Agricultural Practices, post harvest processing, and organic kitchen gardening were delivered by Dr Munish Kumar, Dr Prabhjot Kaur, Dr AS Sidhu, Dr Ramandeep Kaur and Dr Manisha Thakur.
Dr AS Brar, Deputy Director, KVK Moga and Dr GS Aulakh, Associate Director, KVK Ferozepur, made the farmers aware of the activities of their respective KVKs in promotion of integrated farming systems and Good Agricultural Practices.