PAU organizes webinar on “linking farmers producers organisation to market”
The webinar was attended by 142 participants
Ludhiana: A webinar on “Linking farmers producers organisation to market” was organized by the Directorate of Extension Education in collaboration with Department of Extension Education and Communication Centre, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) for the faculty and the students of the university under the aegis of Director of Extension Education.
Dr V.K.J. Rao, Principal Scientists & Head, Division of Social Science & Training, IIHR, Banglore was the guest speaker for the same. He highlighted the how the production led agriculture has completely shifted to market led agriculture. He talked that during the last year when there was a complete lockdown the supply and value chain got disrupted. For the efficient linkage of FPOs there has to be appropriate project to be developed which can be facilitated by Agri Business Promotion Unit. A business idea has to be generated, with analysis of opportunities / threat analysis and an appropriate market and financial plan. He illustrated the success of “Amar Naryana” model of FPO linked with IIHR; which has undergone primary processing of agricultural produce; i.e; cleaning, sorting and grading. It has also market linkages with Mother dairy, Waycool, Farmlink. The take home message of the talk was regarding the development of A Market Led Businees Plan.
In the welcome address, Dr Kuldeep Singh, Head, Department of Extension Education & Communication Management, PAU stated today’s lecture will open the windows to bring about the functionality of the FPOs as well as the aspiration for building new FPOs will be generated.
Dr J. S Mahal, Director of Extension Education, laid down questions into the forum regarding the sustainability of FPOs in Punjab. His contextual remarks intrigued the strategies which can be drawn from the lecture for having an application in real life situation.
Dr TS Riar, Additional Director Communication, PAU in his concluding remarks commented that the efforts should be directed towards building the linkages of agri start ups and FPOs should be geared up and appropriate models can be developed by PAU.
The webinar was attended by 142 participants from different departments, Krishi Vigyan Kendras , Heads of Departments of PAU and Deputy Directors of KVKs and students.