PAU vegetable scientists and students bring laurels
A team of vegetable scientists and students of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) participated and won laurels during the 42nd All India Group Meeting of Vegetable Crops and Golden Jubilee Seminar of India Society of Vegetable Science (ISVS), IIVR, Varanasi, held at Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology (ANDUAT), Ayodhya, Kumarganj, from February 22-26.

Ludhiana, February 28, 2024: A team of vegetable scientists and students of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) participated and won laurels during the 42nd All India Group Meeting of Vegetable Crops and Golden Jubilee Seminar of India Society of Vegetable Science (ISVS), IIVR, Varanasi, held at Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology (ANDUAT), Ayodhya, Kumarganj, from February 22-26.
The participation was held under the able leadership of Dr Tarsem Singh Dhillon, Head, Department of Vegetable Science, PAU. During the AICRP meeting, a PAU developed variety of round melon, namely Punjab Tinda 1 was released at the national level for cultivation in zone –IV.
In ISVS seminar, Dr Sat Pal Sharma, Principal Vegetable Breeder, was selected as Fellow of ISVS; and Dr Tejpal Sing Sran, a student of Dr Salesh Kumar Jindal, got “Dwarka Nath Memorial Best Thesis Award.” During the seminar, students and scientists delivered oral and poster presentations. Four posters were adjudged as the best posters under different themes. Dr Mohinder Kaur Sidhu; Bhumika, a student of Dr Sat Pal Sharma; Monisha, a student of Dr Sidhu; and Rakesh Kumar Belludi, a student of Dr Abhishek Sharma, won the “Best Poster Prize Award.”
The PAU Vice-Chancellor Dr Satbir Singh Gosal and Dean of Postgraduate Studies Dr MIS Gill congratulated the team of the Department of Vegetable Science for these achievements and bringing laurels to the University.