PCM SD College for Women organized national seminar by IQAC
Seminar was experience of intellectual discourse

Jalandhar: NAAC sponsored One Day National Seminar on ‘Quality Sustenance Initiatives in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions’ was organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of PCM S.D. College for Women, Jalandhar.
Principal Dr. Kiran Arora welcomes all the dignitaries and esteemed delegates. Mrs. Sangita Sharma, Co-ordinator of the seminar briefed the august gathering about the objective of Seminar Prof. Gurmeet Singh, Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry University was the Chief Guest of the day. In his presidential address, he focused on growth impulses of the higher education institutions and stressed upon the need for skill based and value based education as the key elements to take India on newer and bigger heights at global level.
Prof Amit Kauts, Head and Dean, Faculty of Education, GNDU University, Amritsar delivered the keynote address and enlightened the audience with his remarkable views highlighting the main theme of the seminar i.e. Quality Sustenance Initiatives in Teaching and Learning to be taken by higher education institutions to upgrade themselves. Dr. Amarjit Singh Dua, Director, INE, Ludhiana was the guest of honour.
Prof Karam Pal Narwal, Haryana, Dr. Deepa Sikand Kauts, Head and Associate Prof. Department of Education, GNDU, Amritsar. Mrs. Renu Gupta, Head and Associate Prof of P.G. Department of Commerce, Post Graduate Government College, Chandigarh were the Resource Persons of technical session.
Dr. Suresh Khurana, Head, PG Department of Economics, DAV College Jalandhar appreciated the event on behalf of the audience. An edited book ‘Edu-Venture’ bearing ISBN, comprising 56 papers of distinguished scholars and professors was also released on this auspicious occasion.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Renu Tandon, Deputy Co-ordinator, IQAC of the College Mrs. Divya Budhia Gupta staged the proceedings of the seminar.
On the whole, the seminar was an experience of intellectual discourse in view of the practical involvement. The seminar provided an excellent platform for interaction between the intellectuals on the above topic of great practical utility.