PCTE ranked 2nd in Personality and Leadership Development and Academic Excellence under Best BBA colleges for 2023 by India Today in Punjab
PCTE has been ranked 62nd best BBA college by India Today in its annual survey, 2023. On the basis of Personality and Leadership Development, PCTE is ranked 19th among all the colleges and universities all over India.

Ludhiana, July 6, 2023: PCTE has been ranked 62nd best BBA college by India Today in its annual survey, 2023. On the basis of Personality and Leadership Development, PCTE is ranked 19th among all the colleges and universities all over India.
PCTE has been ranked as the 4th best college among BBA colleges. In academic excellence, PCTE is ranked 2nd in Punjab. In career progression and placements, PCTE is ranked 4th.
The annual survey for the year 2023 has assessed the colleges on the basis of their strengths on parameters like intake quality & governance, academic excellence, infrastructure & living experience, personality & leadership development, career progression & placement.
PCTE has always focused on practical orientation where the students are provided industrial exposure, guest lectures by renowned speakers, entrepreneurial workshops, consumer hub- an activity where students are exposed to marketing fields, RAWAR- a semester-long activity based on business situations. Besides this, compulsory summer internships, online certification on Google digital marketing and NISM is conducted. PCTE also has a startup forum that provides guidance to the students to start their own business.
Dr. Rajpreet Chhatwal, Director, said that we work really hard to provide hands-on experience to our students and also focus on the overall development by providing various platforms where students can fully explore their talent and potential.
Dr. KNS Kang, Director General, PCTE Group of Institutes, said that PCTE has always worked towards the overall personality development of the students which not only helps them academically but also helps them build their career as well. He further added by saying that the ranking was possible with the constant efforts of the faculty members who guide the students throughout the course.