PCTE start-up nappads awarded first prize
It was a free entrepreneurship competition for all students across India
Ludhiana: Lalimber is an Edtech and Online Educational Platform, which provides Industry-based learning to students, Accelerated by Viridian Acceleration Centre powered by Entrepreneurial Spark, UK. Their vision is to prepare all the students for the future through practical training, development of skills and most importantly effective guidance by ideal mentors. It was a free entrepreneurship competition for all students across India where students get a chance to win scholarships and exciting prizes.
There were 2 rounds in this competition. In the first round the participants had to send an elevator pitch of 1 minute. Lalimber posted all the relevant pitches on You Tube channel and the participants were marked on the cumulative score of (50% audience poll and 50% by judge’s score). Lalimber shortlisted top 10 Startups for the final round. In the final round PCTE startup Nappads comprising Team Members Aditi Dewidi & Daman Preet Kaur of MBA(1st Year) were adjudged First.
On this, Prof. Naresh Sachdev (Dean Corporate Relations) PCTE Group of Institutes said “We are delighted that Nappads stood First. This would surely be beneficial to startup Nappads to interface with fund raisers and investors.
Dr KNS Kang, Director General, PCTE Group of Institutes congratulated team Nappads and said such opportunities give practical platform and learning’s and said that PCTE E cell will guide them regarding the same and will help them to establish their own business.