People should try to use washable masks than disposable ones: Dr Bishav Mohan
Says chances of a person falling prey to covid 19 would reduce by two third if one wears mask, maintains physical distancing and wash hands repeatedly

Ludhiana: Dr Bishav Mohan, senior doctor from Dayanand Medical College & Hospital (DMCH) today addressed the senior officials of Municipal Corporation Ludhiana and educated them about the ways to save themselves from Covid 19. MC Commissioner Mr Pardeep Kumar Sabharwal, MC Zonal Commissioners Mrs Swati Tiwana, Mr Kulpreet Singh and Mr Neeraj Jain, Mr Jasdev Singh Sekhon, besides several others were also present on the occasion.
He said that people should try to understand that they should use washable masks instead of disposable ones. He said that the disposable masks are difficult to dispose off and the washable ones can be reused, which means people do not have to worry about disposing them and are eco-friendly.
While addressing the gathering, Dr Bishav Mohan said that due to the constant efforts of Punjab government under Mission Fateh, the residents should not worry about community spread at the moment. He said that as compared to other states, Punjab has done maximum number of tests. He said that chances of transmission of Covid 19 decrease by two-third simply if people wear masks, maintaining physical distancing and by washing hands with a soap repeatedly.
He said that people should not worry about Covid 19 as many more people die with TB, heart attack and other diseases in the world. He said that 80% of positive patients do not even realise that they have Covid 19, 95% patients get easily cured and only 5% patients require admission to hospital, out of which very few require to be put on ventilator.
He said that but people should not take Covid 19 lightly and should follow all directions of the Punjab government and health department. He said that along with symptoms such as fever, cough, breathing problem etc, people can also suffer from loss of smell and taste. He said that people should consume turmeric, tulsi, warm water and if possible, do pranayama (yoga) etc to boost their immunity.
MC Commissioner Mr Pardeep Kumar Sabharwal assured Dr Bishav Mohan that all MC officials have been following all directions of the Punjab government and would contribute in educating the masses about ways to save themselves from Covid 19.