PHD Chamber organizes interactive video conference regarding issues of logistics sector during covid 19 lockdown 

Video conference held with N. Sivasailam, Special Secretary, Logistics, Department of Commerce, GoI

PHD Chamber organizes interactive video conference regarding issues of logistics sector during covid 19 lockdown 

New Delhi: PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) organized an Interactive Video Conference with Mr. N. Sivasailam, IAS, Special Secretary, Logistics,                                          

Department of Commerce, Government of India on April 02, 2020, regarding Issues of the Logistics Sector during COVID 19 Lockdown. The video conference received extensive participation of around 500 senior industry members from the logistics, air cargo, pharmaceutical, and other industries.

Logistics and transport services constitute an integral part of our country’s supply chain. The lockdown and blockade of State borders and clampdown orders imposed on all the transportation services to limit the impact of COVID 19 have restricted the scopes of service delivery and has triggered challenges in the operational momentum across most of the critical industries also.

Addressing the Industry representatives attending the video conference Mr.N.Sivasailam, IAS, Special Secretary, Logistics, Department of Commerce, Government of India shared the various measures being undertaken by the Government to resolve all issues pertaining to the Logistics industry on an urgent basis. He addressed the main issues being faced by the Industry while sharing that movement of all goods in India has already been allowed.

Mr. Sivasailam shared that facilitating the movement of the drivers and their trucks carrying supplies, which are currently stuck on State Borders is important and the Industry recommendation of allowing their movement across the country via an E-Pass system has already been sent to the appropriate higher authorities for further approval with their endorsement. He also requested the industry members to share specific issues of any congestion due to trucks not being allowed at any border to be shared with him and fast solutions for their movement shall be done.

Mr. Sivasailam also stated that the recommendation of allowing Railways, Airports & Sea-Ports to be given the authority to issue E-passes for the required manpower to facilitate goods movement while keeping in mind the social distancing & health protocols has already been set in motion.

Special Secretary, Logistics also addressed some specific issues being faced by the industry representatives regarding Air Cargo, Sea Shipments, Pharmaceuticals, and others, while sharing solutions for the same, keeping in mind not to nullify the lockdown effect.

Mr.N.Sivasailam, IAS, Special Secretary, Logistics, urged PHD Chamber to co-ordinate with important sectors like the Pharmaceutical sector, the Air Cargo sector and others, garner their specific issues being faced in current situations and assured of his full assistance in resolving the same.

Mr. Ramesh Agarwal, Chairman, PHD Logistics Management Committee & Group Chairman, Agarwal Packers and Movers Limited shared the industry perspective along with Mr. Pradeep Singal, Chairman, AITWA. They presented a synopsis of the challenges being faced and also the relaxations and relief measures required by the Logistics Industry.

Mr. R S Bedi, Managing Committee Member, PHDCCI & Director, PS Bedi & Company also shared some of the pertinent issues and recommendations to address the same.                                                          

Mr. Pradeep Multani, Vice President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry & Chairman of Ms. Multani Pharmaceuticals Ltd thanked Mr. N. Sivasailam, IAS, Special Secretary, Logistics, Department of Commerce for taking out time to address the Industry Issues. Mr. Multani also shared some specific challenges being faced by the Pharmaceutical industry in current times. Mr. Sivasailam assured him that the Pharmaceutical sector is very important and he shall handhold to solve all the issues and facilitate unhindered movement for it.

Dr. Ranjeet Mehta, Principal Director, PHDCCI, while moderating the session requested the industry members to share their specific issues with the chamber and assured all that PHDCCI shall play a proactive role in resolving their concerns.