Physiotherapy Center inaugurated to offer services at affordable cost
It will serve to lower and middle strata of society and senior citizens

Hyderabad: Dr.Jayesh Shah Consultant Physician, Diabetologist inaugurated Sanskruti Shikhara Sanchalit Amrit-Varsha Kapadia Center for Physiotherapy & Yoga here in the city at Patigadda, Prashnagar, Begumpet.
The newly inaugurated Physiotherapy Center will provide Physiotherapy Services at affordable cost for all those who can’t afford to pay the prevailing prices in the market.
Addressing a 100 plus gathering, the chief guest said Physiotherapy is the need of the hour. Along with Yoga is a boost as they are interrelated. Research in USA and Europe is found that Yoga benefits in preventing many Lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes, Cholesterol, Cancer, Brain and Heart Strokes.
95 per cent of women and 60 per cent of men are currently suffering with joint pains. Using pain killers is not good on a long term basis. That is why we need Physiotherapy he added.
Dr. Kumudben Dharia of the Trust said every part in the body has to work in tandem with each other. Otherwise there will be a problem. Working together actually works. Lot of people need Physiotherapy. But, the service is not available to many. Many can’t afford to use its benefits. That is why we are starting Sanskruti Shikhar Sanchalit Amrit- Varsh Kapadia Center for Physiotherapy, she informed
Colour TVs have added to the health problems. Serials watching is forcing women to have dinner late in the night. Today people use more Mind and less body to do their works and jobs. That is what is leading to lifestyle diseases. That is why you must get into Yoga said Yoga Expert Ravindra Kapadia.
Physiotherapy is the need of the hour. But, these services are not affordable by most of the lower, and the middle strata of society and also senior citizens, affluent class in lifelong sessions are required Elbow, Frozen shoulder.
Keeping in view of this need, the trust Sanskruti Shikhar Sanchalat under its management has set up Centre of Physiotherapy and Yoga in the centre of the city at Patigadda, Prakashnagar, Begumpet. ( lane opp. Begumpet, Airport )
The centre has the latest state of the art Physiotherapy equipment and well-trained Physiotherapists. These services are available from 10 am to 6 pm from Monday to Saturday. The services are provided in the range of Rs 200/- to 250/- per session, as against the prevailing rates of Rs 500/- to 600/- for each session. The nominal charges of Rs 200/ to Rs 250/- per session are charged just to recover the cost of the establishment and maintenance.
The common problems for which physiotherapy required is Knee, back, neck, shoulder pain, post-operation stiffness, Tennis elbow, Frozen shoulders etc. Physiotherapy today is need not just be aged, but also many young IT employees who lead a sedentary lifestyle are approaching Physiotherapy centre for pain management.
Physiotherapy isn’t a treatment reserved for elite few or just athletes alone, or even for those recovering from an injury. In fact, it can be used to improve your health in many surprising ways. treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapists get you involved in your recovery.
Sitting and working for long hours can lead to postural problems like disc damage, strained neck and swayed back in the long run.
Many IT professionals are suffering from these kinds of problems are approaching Physiotherapy centres.
The newly inaugurated Physiotherapy centre will be run purely based on the donations by like-minded philanthropists.
Sanskruti Shujat Sanchalit Trust members and others Kumudben Dharia, Dr Varun Mehta, Meera Goradia, Leelam Kapadia, Nisha Shah, Toral Desai participated in the inaugural function.