PPBM welcomes DC’s suggestion to shopkeepers to provide free masks to customers on occasion of Raksha Bandhan
Says this step will prove a milestone in fighting against pandemic
Ludhiana: Punjab Pradesh Beopar Mandal state general secretary Sunil Mehra, state secretary Mohinder Aggarwal, chairman Pawan Lehar and district president Arvinder Singh Makkar has thanked Varinder Kumar Sharma, Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana for allowing the opening of shops of halwais, gift items and rakhi sellers shops on coming Sunday in view of the festival of Rakhi.
They told that these shops were supposed to remain closed on Sunday on August 3, 2020 in view of lock down due to pandemic but the local administration has allowed to open certain shops in view of the sacred festival of Raksha Bandhan which is considered a symbol of love between brother and sister.
Adding, they said they had urged upon the local administration to consider their demand, which has ultimately been accepted by the deputy commissioner.
Sunil Mehra told that the deputy commissioner has told him about the latest development over a telephonic conversation. He said the DC has also urged the owners of sweet shops and other shops to provide free masks to customers on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. He welcomed the deputy commissioner’s suggestion stating that this step will prove a milestone in fighting against pandemic and safety measures were necessary to protect from virus.
Mohinder Aggarwal stated that the administration has taken a very wise step by allowing to open certain shops on Sunday, August 3, as it is expected that a majority of people in service sector will be able to shop bakery items, sweets, rachis and gift items on Sunday being the holiday.
Expressing their opinion, Pawan Lehar and Arvinder Singh Makkar said the opening of certain shops on Sunday during the festival day will ultimately boost business activities that were affected a lot due to lock down/curfew in the recent past.