Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi addresses students on topic My India My Pride

Jalandhar, October 13, 2021: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised a special address of Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi titled My India My Pride. The presentation was organised during the Foundation Course, a value added course for semester I students.
Principal during the address highlighted the importance of higher education in one’s life and averred that higher education is a strong foundation of human life as it paves the way for the holistic development. She further maintained that we should develop pride in our own culture & country in order to make India a superpower as majority of Indian population is young so there is a great scope of innovation in our country.
Principal also shed light on the traditional education system that was prevalent in India. Enlightening everyone about the indigenous universities namely Taxilla & Nalanda, she averred that Taxilla university was the world’s oldest university & Nalanda university was the first international residential university in the world and both of these universities were the great centres of knowledge.
Principal also acquainted everyone about the ancient achievements of India in the field of science, art, sports & culture. Throwing light on the Indian philosophy, Prof. Dwivedi told everyone about Swami Vivekanand and his influence on the world. Madam told the young students to consider Swami Vivekananda as their role model in order to live a graceful & dignified life.
Principal concluded by saying that we should all cherish the rich legacy of our country and should always feel proud to be the citizens of this great Nation. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Dr Gurjot & the whole organising committee for successfully organising the presentation.