Protein powders having an adverse effect on our kidneys
Says Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan, Director, Kidney Transplantation Services, Fortis Hospital

Chandigarh: The World Kidney Day 2020 is themed at ‘Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere-from Prevention to Detection and Equitable Access to Care’. The prime importance of observing this day is to re-iterate the importance of kidney health amongst people. “Out of all the case we see, 90 percent kidney diseases are asymptomatic, and the number is rising constantly. It is also important to understand that CKDs can be prevented easily as there are many causes behind the problem that can be easily managed if there is appropriate awareness”, said Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan, Director, Kidney Transplantation Services, Fortis Hospital.
As per Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common cause of CKD in population-based studies is found to be diabetic nephropathy. They also state that, approximately 1 of 3 adults with diabetes and 1 of 5 adults with high blood pressure may acquire the disease. While CKDs do not show specific symptoms, there are few key indicators towards a deteriorating kidney health that one can watch out for. “An unhealthy lifestyle is a prominent reason that is seen behind kidney degeneration. That apart a few aspects that can kill your kidneys include Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, neglected kidney stones, elongated infections and lastly genetic kidney diseases”, added Dr Ranjan.
CKDs are better avoided and typically they can be prevented and progression to end-stage kidney disease can be delayed with appropriate access to basic awareness and early detection. Few common precautions one can take are regular water intake, absolute no to OTC drugs, intake of only certified protein shakes and powders. Alongside, a disciplined life can help people to maintain a healthy body and life. Strict control over the blood pressure, low intake of salt and a regular check on our body weight are a few of things that we can control for the sake of disease-free kidneys.
Kidney diseases often bring people to a stage where they are either undergoing a dialysis or are looking for a kidney transplant. Medical experts support a kidney transplant over dialysis. Explaining further Dr Ranjan said, “Kidney transplant is not an easy procedure and is something that has its own complications while looking for a donor. But, medically, a transplant offers better chances at survival, extends a better quality of life, is lesser expensive, increases social and emotional productivity and increases fertility.”