Providing start-up ideas and support to professional education students is our top priority: Registrar IKGPTU Jaspreet Singh
IKGPTU & TiE Chandigarh organized The Grand Finale and Award Ceremony of Tap Business Plan Competition 2021-22

Jalandhar, March 8, 2022: To share start-up ideas with professional education students and encourage them for start-ups is the need of the hour. The I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) considers this a top priority. The University provides start-up ideas to its students from time to time by meeting & organizing events jointly with The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE). In addition, the university also provides start-up funds to its students. This information message was shared by Jaspreet Singh, Registrar IKGPTU, an IAS officer, with various professionals and students involved in the grand finale ceremony of the tap business plan competition of the university organized in Chandigarh. He also informed the students about the start-up funds of more than one crore sponsored by the university and encouraged them to take advantage of it.
Registrar Jaspreet Singh, IAS, was addressing the Grand Finale and Awards Ceremony of TAP Business Plan Competition 2021-22 jointly organized by IKGPTU and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE) Chandigarh as the Chief Guest. The event was organized to recognize and reward the students of IKGPTU and its affiliated colleges for their beginnings. The venue of the function was PHD Chamber of Commerce, Chandigarh.
The Award Ceremony was attended by more than 60 participants including students, TPOs, IED coordinators from various IKG-PTU campuses and affiliated colleges and TiE Chandigarh members.
Mr. Jaspreet Singh endorsed the wonderful collaboration between the two organizations and handed over the prizes to the winners.
Mr. Navdeepak Sandhu, Deputy Director, Corporate Relations & Alumni, IKG PTU, in his address elaborated on how IKG-PTU and TiE Chandigarh have been creating synergy over the years on organising TAP B-Plan Competition and providing global exposure to the students. He briefly shared the journey of the 64+ teams that began on 22nd October 2021.
Mr. Jitin Talwar, President, TiE Chandigarh in his Keynote Address inspired the students with his words that this is a small start of their journey, and that every success/ failure is learning for us in this journey. He shared the mantras of an equitable team, riding the wave, relying on data and goal market segmentation for sustainable and scalable solutions in the business.
The Vote of Thanks was graciously done by Mr. Hitesh Gulati, Chair TiE University, TiE Chandigarh Chapter applauded the efforts of all participating students and their colleges for their consistent efforts. He thanked Mr. Jaspreet Singh, Mr. Jitin Talwar, Mr. Robin Aggarwal, Mr. Navdeepak Sandhu and Mr. Mrigender Bedi for gracing the occasion.