PU celebrates World Red Cross Day
Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor of P.U. addressed the event

Chandigarh: Panjab University in association with Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal, Punjab And Red Cross Society, Punjab, on the eve of World Red Cross day organised a virtual awareness lecture under the title “ Role of Civil Society in fight against Pandemic”.
Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor of P.U. in his address said that Civil Society is the most effective cooperative unit to fight against adversaries. He further added that Man has become the most formidable and fit creature on the earth, due to its acumen and agility to evolve the civilised societies. Man has learned the relevance of mutual cooperation, complementarity and harmony to tackle most of the challenges faced by living creatures.
Sh. Avinash Rai Khanna, renowned thinker and social worker, related the obligations and role of a actual civilised society with formation and working of Indian Red Cross Society. Sh. Khanna urged every youth and capable member of Indian civil society to come forward with dedication to discharge their “ manav dharma” and “ samaj dhrama” holding it be most sacrosanct facet of Idea of justice propagated by Indian Civilisation. Sh. Khanna advised educational institutions to aware the youth to donate blood before being vaccinated, help lonely senior citizens whose children are serving away from home as army personnel or front line fighters and institutions should prepare consultation panels of medical students to aware the needy.
Dr. Umashankar Pachauri, All Indian General Secretary of Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal, quoted some anecdotes and stories from ancient Indian history, where to tackle the pandemic and adversaries every affluent member of Indian Society distribute all their earning among society at large and especially for marginalised sections. Dr Pachauri appealed to the audience to make everyone aware that one should restraint from being self centric by collecting medicine like Remidesivir for future, when other needy patients are suffering due to its urgent need.
Along with hundreds of research scholars, academicians and students of P.U.,Dr. Vishal Sharma, Warden of Banda Bahadur Hostel, Dr. Manisha Sharma, Warden of Mother Teressa Hostel, Dr. Gaurav Gaur, Social Work Department, P.U. were present.