PU DLIS organizes webinar series
More than 150 participated in each webinar

Chandigarh: The Department of Library and Information Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh started new series under the title “PU DLIS Webinar Series” and organised three webinars from 4th– 6th August,2020 so to reach out to LIS students, research scholars and the professional colleagues to enhance their professional knowledge and update them in the Library and Information Science field.
In the first webinar Dr. Akhtar Parvez ,University Librarian, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad talked about “Copyright and fair use”. He gave many tips to the participants for fair use of copyright material like purchasing e-books which are DRM free, Archival rights of databases and specially the knowledge of transformative use of copyrighted material.
In the second webinar, Prof.S.P.Singh ,Emeritus Professor of UGC deliberated on “Misinformation, Disinformation,
Malinformation and Fake News” and highlighted that all of us in the current information society must be able to differentiate among these and use only the factual information.
In the third webinar, Mr. Prem Chand ,Librarian, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla talked on “Access to e-content to higher education institutions in India: an initiative of MHRD and UGC” wherein he deliberated on the issues and challenges in India’s higher education in terms of enrolment, faculty, accreditation and research. He also highlighted various initiatives undertaken by MHRD and UGC to provide e-resources for teaching and research.
More than 150 participated in each webinar. All the recorded webinars are available on dlisyoutube channel.