PU faculty got grand jury’s special recommendation
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Chandigarh: Dr. Dipti Sareen, Associate Prof from Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University received Grand Jury’s special recommendations for their innovation, Roseocin which can efficiently and effectively act as a synergistic antimicrobial agent, especially against drug-resistant bacterial species, at C-CAMP AMR-Quest 2020 grand Finale through a webinar on July 17, 2020 in the presence of Dr. Renu Swarup, Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Biotechnology, and Chairperson BIRAC.
The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms(C-CAMP), a Department of Biotechnology (GOI) supported initiative with mandate to foster high-end research and innovation along with CARB-X, a Global Accelerator Network (GAN) under a public-private partnership led by Boston University to fund and support R&D and early development of products to combat AMR, held AMR-Quest 2020 Grand Finale.
Dr. Richard Lawson, Director of the Project Management Office, CARB-X delivered a special address and said, “Investing in public health was never more important than it is today. Organizations, both public & private are now looking to engage creatively with the innovation community and that they are happy to partner with C-CAMP in cultivating AMR innovations in India through AMR-Quest. Dr. Taslim Arif Saiyed, CEO & Director, C-CAMP moderated the Panel discussion on “Fostering AMR Innovations”. The eminent panelists were Dr. Sundeep Sarin, Scientist 'G'/Advisor, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India; Dr. Richard Lawson, CARB-X , USA; Dr. Kamini Walia, Scientist 'F', Division of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases, ICMR and India Country Head, WHO and Dr. Anand Anand kumar, CEO and MD, Bugworks.
Dr. Renu Swarup, in her keynote address at CCAMP AMR-Quest Grand Finale, proposed a globally connected AMR-dedicated incubation hub in India in order to foster AMR innovations from ground-up. She said, "Funding is only one form of support. What innovators need is hand holding/acceleration".“Covid-19 pandemic caught us unawares. But we cannot say the same for antimicrobial resistance. An infection without cure like the present pandemic is a curtain-raiser for the gravity of the public health challenge AMR poses. We need to fight back through a holistic, cohesive approach by all stakeholders including end users to build and sustain the next crop of AMR innovations. The AMR Quest is an attempt in this direction,” said Taslim Arif Saiyed, CEO and Director, C-CAMP.