PU gets grant for setting up technology enabling centre
Some of the activities proposed under TEC will be to create an environment for technology conversion at the University

The Panjab University has been selected by the Department of Science &
Technology (DST) New Delhi, as one of the Nodal centres in the region
for establishing the Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) at the campus.
An amount of Rs 3.26 crore has been awarded for a period of 5 years,
out of which an amount of Rs 25 lakhs has been released towards the
creation of Capital Assets Head for the purchase of equipment’s under
TEC grant.
Some of the activities proposed under TEC will be to create an
environment for technology conversion at the University, providing
platform for networking researchers of University/ Institutes with
industry. It will also provide an enabling ecosystem, process and
support for taking the lab level early leads to the development of
marketable products.
Besides, it will also be involved in Mining of Technologies being
developed at various Labs in University, Assessment of technical gaps
faced by MSMEs, Evaluating maturity of the identified Technologies
(products & processes) for further development; carrying out Market
Studies for their Potential prototypes and leads. It will also hold
periodic Workshops/Seminars in Collaboration with Industries. An
interactive portal supported with databases will be developed to
evolve an on line process of partnership and technology search.
The University has already initiated taking steps in this regards.
Currently, this centre is housed in the premises of Centre for
Industry Institute Partnership Programme (CIIPP), Panjab University,