PU International Yoga Day Celebrations
UIFT & VD celebrates International Day of Yoga

Chandigarh: To mark the celebrations of International Yoga Day, PU NSS in collaboration with Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology and Department of Public Administration, Panjab University, Chandigarh,organized an online Yoga Workshop on the theme “Yoga at Home – Yoga with Family” . The event was organized by Dr. Navneet Kaur, Dr. Sucha Singh and Dr. Parveen Goyal with an effort to create awareness about the benefits of Yoga. More than 80 NSS volunteers and Programme Officers participated in the workshop. Prof. Ashwani Koul in his address, highlighted the importance of Yoga in our daily life. He also stressed on the need of practicing Yoga to overcome stress factors related to covid-19.Yoga Facilitators, Mr. Karan Gill, a state gold medalist in softball and Ms. Asha Kaushik, a coach of taekwondo guided the participants in performing different Yoga Asanas and also enlightened them about the role of Yoga in curing many diseases. Volunteers from different departments also pledged to make aware their family members’about the positive impacts of Yoga in their daily life.
The Department of Zoology organized different virtual programs on 20th and 21st June to mark the “7th International Yoga Day 2021”. The sessions were attended by all students, research scholars, and faculty members with the Chairperson leading from the front.
On 20th June, a virtual session on “Hasya Yoga: Laughing Away the Stress” with Dr. Nidhi Jaiswal was conducted who introduced the concept of Laughter yoga to the audience and explained how hasya yoga embodies unity of mind, body and soul. The participants thereafter actively performed various fun yoga asanas. The session was full of laughter and positive energy.
On 21st June, an online motivational talk on “Yoga for wellbeing” was given by Dr. Sapna Nanda, Principal Govt. Degree College for Yoga Education and Health. Dr. Sapna talked about the essence of Yogic exercises on the health of individuals. She elaborated on the significance of mental health and physical health. She introduced the concept of tri-doshas, pancha-bhoota and sapta-chakra and how maintaining the balance between these helps in sustaining good health. She explained the benefits of yoga with scientific instances. She further elaborated that thoughts determine our destiny because they control our emotions, emotions control feelings, feelings control actions, repeated actions become habit, habit after a long time become sanskars and sanskars define our personality and ultimately our destiny. During this session, a video containing the yoga poses made by the students of the department of zoology was also presented before the audience.The sessions were coordinated by Dr. Archana Chauhan and Dr. Harpreet Kaur, Chairperson, Department of Zoology.
The University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management organised an online yoga session on ‘Healthy Lifestyle Through Therapeutic Yoga’. Mr. Sanjay Sharma, Yoga expert, performed various asanas like markatasana, garudasana, ujjayi, simhasana. Prof. Raj Kumar, PU VC said that yoga is necessary for mental and physical well being of a person and in future also, these types of sessions be conducted. Dr. Anish Slath, Director ,UIHTM gave an insight about the university and its continuous efforts to promote healthy lifestyle. Dr. Neeraj Aggarwal explained about the importance of yoga and how therapeutic yoga helps to heal various illnesses.
Centre for Police Administration in collaboration with NCC Cadets (Boys Wing) Panjab University, enthusiastically took part in the International Day of Yoga-2021 celebration.
A thematic message of Be With Yoga be At Home was used to spread awareness and increase participation of people in this effort of public health.
Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Chairperson, Faculty Members, Office Staff of Police Administration and NCC and around 56 Participants were present in this Virtual Yoga Session.
The Department of Indian Theatre celebrated International Yoga Day today. by having a presentation on Theatre Yoga. Prof. Raj Kumar. Prof. Raj Kumar congratulated the department for this innovative experience of theatre yoga.
Dr.Navdeep Kaur, Chairperson shared the connections between theatre and Yoga. Research Scholars and students of the department participated with full zeal and enthusiasm.Students of first year Manu Kamar, Shubham and Saood spoke on various topics like importance of International yoga Day and TheatreYoga.. A demonstration on a journey from sadness to happiness was presented by Chaman, Research Scholar of the department which was appreciated by the attendees.
Prof JS Thakur, Professor of Community Medicine, PGI, President, World NCD Federation was Guest of Honour of the celebrations. He spoke on various connections between health , art and culture.
UIFT & VD celebrates International Day of Yoga
UIFT & VD celebrated 7th International Day of Yoga on the theme “Be with Yoga Be at Home”. Dr. Anu H. Gupta, Chairperson emphasised the importance of Yoga for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Yoga can help one to attain both physical and mental wellness. It keeps a person happy, active, and healthywhile also aiding one in reaching success. Yoga assists in the alignment of the body, mind, and soul, resulting in harmony and keeps one's zest for life alive.
Students, research scholars, faculty members, and staff participated in this event by practicing yoga at home and posting photos of themselves doing so.Many others shared their day-to-day Yoga experiences as well. One of the M.Sc students, Urvashi, stated, "Yoga has assisted me in improving attention towards my academics - both practical and theoretical. It has given me more energy”. Devanshi, a student of B.Sc.Fashion and Life style Technology remarked, “ I love doing various asanas as these help my respiratory system to function better and provide much needed oxygen to the vital organs and keeps me active throughout the day. Yoga helps in muscle relaxation and adds flexibility to my body”.Dr. Nikita, a faculty at UIFT&VD, expressed that,“Exercise of any form must be included in the daily routine. It is equally important as having food. One must undertake yoga or any exercise of their choice to reap the benefits. There is no age to begin. Start today.”Another faculty member Ms. Kirti Sheoran stated that, “Yoga is a source of Relaxation and Rest for me.I am practicing Yoga since last one and half year.It has become an integral part of my life now.It makes me feel more confident about my body.The way it looks,feels and move.Yoga also helped me in improving my immune system.”