PU invites applications for fresh batch of IAS (Preliminary) Coaching
The Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations, Panjab University (PU), Chandigarh has announced admission for preparation of IAS (Preliminary) Examination

Chandigarh, January 6, 2022: The Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations, Panjab University (PU), Chandigarh has announced admission for preparation of IAS (Preliminary) Examination.
The Admission form are available at www.iasc.puchd.ac.in under the tab ‘Forms’ and the applicants can submit their applications forms till 21st January’ 2022. The Final Year students for the graduates from any recognized University are eligible. The Centre is specially targeting aspirants of June’ 2022 Civil Services (Preliminary) Exam. The classes of the 4 months program will be conducted between 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm and commence from February 2nd, 2022. The fee for General Category is Rs. 26,000/- + 18% GST while for SC/ST Category, it will be Rs. 13,000/- + 18%GST.
The course shall have experienced and distinguished faculty of PU and other Universities/Colleges delivering and disseminating lectures for this course. Centre regularly conducts Motivational and Special Lectures by Serving Civil Servants/Ex-Civil Servants/Bureaucrats/State Civil Service Executives etc. for the students of this IAS (Preliminary) Course. Regular doubt clearing sessions and quick tips Interactions are also organized by the Centre.
The course shall have regular tests and discussion forums to enable students to identify their limitations and enhance their knowledge base. The Centre also has a well-equipped Library for use by the students.