PU Library organises Web Lecture for Vigilance Awareness

Chandigarh, October 27, 2021: A.C. Joshi Library, Panjab University, Chandigarh is observing Vigilance Awareness Week-2021 on the theme this year VAW-2021 is “Independent India @ 75: Self Reliance with Integrity”. The library staff members and users took a pledge as per the guidelines of CVC.
A thematic web-lecture was organized by Professor (Emeritus) Virendra Kumar, Department of Laws on the topic "Self-reliance with Integrity: A face-to-face interaction with PU Library Users." . Prof. Virendra Kumar said that the integrity week revolves around integrity pledge where to remove corruption is highlighted and it is stressed that everyone should have integrity in his/her personal behaviour. The rule of law should be followed in all walks of life. He explained the meaning of integrity in a wider scenario and also stressed upon the understanding of integrity pledge which has three points i.e. I believe- which lays explicit, emphasis on self, I realise – which is based on three phases i.e. faith, understanding and realisation and makes us to understand the value of integrity pledge and the third point is -I therefore pledge – which is culmination of earlier two stages where the person is enlightened. He also talked about ethical norms and how a person can show integrity in himself and in order to understand the integrity pledge, one has to understand each and every word of the pledge. Prof. Virendra Kumar also shared his experiences with the A.C. Joshi Library staff during his study period.
Shri Vikram Nayyar, Registrar & Finance & Development Officer said that one should imbibe integrity in himself/herself after following all ethical norms.
Earlier, Dr. Jivesh Bansal, University Librarian in his welcome address said that corruption is major hurdle in the development of our country. This year is being celebrated as “Platinum Jubilee Year’ of our Independence as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Kumar Modi has also stressed again and again on self-reliant India – Atam Nirbhar Bharat.
In the end, Dr. Neeru Bhatia, Deputy Librarian gave vote of thanks.