Punjab Kala Parishad organizes ‘kavi darbar’ dedicated to 400th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji
In the event, 17 students read their poems

Ludhiana: As part of a series of programs dedicated to the 400th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji by the Punjab Government, Punjab Kala Parishad organized an online Kavi Darbar of students on Saturday.
The event was inaugurated by Punjab Kala Parishad’s Chairman and world-renowned poet Dr Surjit Patar.
Speaking in his inaugural address, Dr Patar said the massive participation by the girls in the event, showcase that our culture and heritage are rich and the country where girls participate more and more in cultural activities is a very culturally developed nation.
Referring to the importance of Guru Teg Bahadur's martyrdom, Dr Patar said Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji got martyred for the protection of all religions. He said Guru Sahib opposed religious bias and gave the message that all religions and languages should be respected.
On this occasion, eminent writer Ninder Ghugianvi welcomed all the guests and students and Dr Amardeep Kaur shared detailed information about all the students and poems.
In the event, 17 students read their poems. Some of them even elaborated the teachings of Guru Sahib by connecting with prevalent religious bias and ongoing farm protest.