PU’s Skt dept celebrates Foundation Day

Established in Lahore in 1882, PU’s Sanskrit department was moved to Chandigarh campus in 1959

PU’s Skt dept celebrates Foundation Day

Chandigarh July 14, 2023: Established in Lahore in 1882, PU’s Sanskrit department was moved to Chandigarh campus in 1959

Panjab University’s Sanskrit department celebrated its foundation day today. The department, earlier a part of the Oriental College at Lahore, was moved permanently to the Chandigarh campus on July 14, 1959 after India’s independence. The celebration event was attended by students of MA Sanskrit, research scholars, along with teachers.

Prof. V. K. Alankar, Academic Incharge of the Sanskrit department, reminded the audience of department’s glorious history. He said, “Sanskrit department of Panjab University has had the best of Sanskrit scholars from various fields like Veda, Darshana, Epigraphy and so forth.” Prof. Alankar motivated the audience to work towards maintaining the high scholarly standards of the department and university.

Dr. Satyan Sharma, faculty member, presented a brief historical account of the Sanskrit department from its days at the pre-partition Lahore to the permanent placement of department in Chandigarh, after partition. “Sanskrit department was the first department of the Panjab University at Lahore, which had eminent scholars like Prof. A. C. Woolner, Prof. Lakshman Sarup, and many others whose scholarly achievements are well known all across the globe.” “Chairpersons of this department are well known around the world for their important contributions to the field of Sanskrit”, he added. Dr. Sharma said that students, research scholars and faculty members should work together to maintain the high scholarly standards of the department and attempt to take them to new heights.

Vijay Bhardwaj, faculty member, presented a vote of thanks to the academic incharge, faculty members, participants and those who attended the event. Current and former students, research scholars of the department participated with great enthusiasm. This was the second celebration of the foundation day.