Quick Heal Technologies gears up to bolster in-house innovation with Ideathon 2020
With over 100 teams submitting innovative solutions to cybersecurity challenges, the shortlisted ideas will battle it out in a 48-hour hackathon starting February 29

Pune: Quick Heal Technologies, one of the leading provider of IT Security and Data Protection solutions for consumers, businesses and the Government, is gearing up to host the fourth edition of Ideathon 2020, an in-house hackathon aimed at bolstering innovation. Set to be hosted between February 29 and March 2 in Pune, the 48-hour hackathon will see some of the finest talent from the company develop proof of concept (PoCs) for their innovative ideas.
A celebration of ingenuity and problem-solving capabilities, Quick Heal’s Ideathon 2020 is a testament to its 25-year legacy of constant innovation and underpins its mission to nurture an innovation-driven culture across the organisation. The winners will be chosen by a designated jury after evaluating the submitted solutions, their efficacy, and relevance to current cybersecurity challenges – with the best ideas and innovations being developed into potential solutions in the future.
Speaking ahead of the event, Sanjay Katkar, Joint Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer, Quick Heal Technologies Limited said, “At Quick Heal Technologies, innovation is at the heart of everything and our employees are at the core of our innovation strategy. With the fourth edition of Ideathon 2020, we want to spark their inherent creativity and incentivise them to come up with innovative solutions to real-world cybersecurity challenges. Events like Ideathon are becoming more and more common in the Indian business landscape, as they serve as the perfect platform for in-house talent identification and innovation. The event has already registered an impressive reception and we are confident that the shortlisted teams will serve an absolute treat at the grand finale. The idea is to find actionable ideas that can help us develop unique IPs to tackle some of the most pressing cybersecurity concerns affecting the global digital ecosystem,”
With Ideathon 2020, Quick Heal aims to drive innovation in the field of Zero-Trust, Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Serverless Security, AI/ML applications, and Secure OT Networks. Other topical cybersecurity issues such as Ransomware Protection, Fake News Identification, Honeypots and Malware Sandbox, and Protection Against Deep Fakes will also feature prominently amongst the solutions being developed at the event. The initiative further augments Quick Heal’s vision of creating a safe and secure digital world for everyone.