RAC Chandigarh Shivalik Organized “Aid With Care”
Dr. Amanpreet Kaur, Ayurvedic Medical Officer was present there to share with them the basic knowledge required for first aid which can save someone's life.
Chandigarh, September 19, 2021: Rotaract Club Chandigarh Shivalik conducted an event "Aid with care" on 17th September 2021 on the occasion of "World First Aid Day" at Ashiana Children’s Home - an orphanage located in Panchkula. The children were educated about the basics of first aid by Dr. Amanpreet Kaur who is an Ayurvedic Medical Officer. First aid kits containing bandage, antiseptic liquid, Adhesive tape, Mask, Band aid, Paracetamol, Hand Sanitizer, Cotton and Eno sachets, were donated to the children. Along with first aid kits, biscuits and juice boxes were also donated.
Dr. Amanpreet informed the children about steps to take in case of burns, bee sting, major and minor cuts, nose bleed among many other things. Children were made aware of how crucial the time after the accident is before some major help like a doctor or an ambulance arrives. The children also shared their day to day health problems such as backache, migraine etc with the doctor to which they were suggested some remedies.
5 Rotaractors were present there along with around 15 children from the orphanage.
Dr. Amanpreet Kaur, Ayurvedic Medical Officer stated "It makes me happy to have served these little kids in this way which might save a life in the future. It is of utmost importance for children to be aware of basic knowledge related to giving first aid considering how crucial the time is before major help arrives. Knowing how to give first aid can make or break a life. I look forward to helping RCCS with future projects which can make a difference in someone's life."
Rotaract Club Chandigarh Shivalik President Jasmine Kaur stated, " We felt the need to educate the children with the help of a professional who could guide them with the important know-how of first aid. RCCS is glad to have organized such an event on World First Aid day and is thankful to Dr. Amanpreet for making it possible.
All the children were happy to have learnt something of importance which can prove to be very helpful in their lives. The event was a success and the Rotaractors look forward to visiting more such orphanages and educating children on basic life skills which can add immense value to their life.