RCF residents cooperate fully in “janata curfew”
RCF to shutdown for 3 days to prevent spread of corona

Kapurthala: RCF residents understand their social and moral responsibility and cooperated fully in Janata Curfew during the March 22 curfew Call given by Prime Minister to stop the spread of corona virus infection. All residents in RCF remained in their respective homes. In the evening, everyone stood at the doors and roofs of their houses to thank all the people and departments involved in the prevention of corona virus.
Meanwhile, Rail Coach Factory Administration has issued a letter of closure of the factory for the next three days i.e. upto 25.03.2020 to give break the chain of spread of Corona virus. During this time, all other activities except the essential services of the factory will be closed. All employees and their family members have been advised to follow the guidelines issued by the government to stay in their respective homes. In addition, it has been asked to stop unnecessary visits. Status will be reviewed on 25.03.2020 and further status will be decided.