Reactions to Dr Ajay Sharma’s novel in Hindi- `Kamra Number 909’
The novel touches various local, national and global issues

Jalandhar-based noted Hindi Novelist Dr Ajay Sharma has penned another novel titled “Kamra Number 909”. It was released recently. Eminent writers have not only discussed this novel on various social platforms but have also expressed their views. It may be mentioned here that the author outlined the story of this novel while under-going treatment being a Corona patient in a private hospital for ten days. He has touched various local, national and global issues in this wonderful and unique novel- perhaps the only one on the worldwide pandemic.
Famous Shaitya Awardee and Hindi Author Chitra Mudgal says it is probably the first novel written on this pandemic situation and it beautifully depicts the physical and psychological changes happening with the humanity. It is written in first person, narrator himself is doctor and he feels life and death at every moment in hospital.
Another prominent Hindi Author Mamta Kalia says this novel exposes the truth of so-called spiritual gururs. Medical facts are engrossing given the fact that writer himself is a doctor.
Expressing his views, Dr Paan Singh, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Hindi, Himachal Pradesh University, says that the author has seen so many ups and downs, changes, artificiality and hollowness of relationships in just 10 days spent in the hospital that it has become a complete biography and this biography has taken the form of a novel.
Dr Sunil Kumar (Hindi Department, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar says that the author is such a sensitive person born from the fertile land of Punjab, whose novel shows, on the one hand, a vivid and touching picture of the dreadful crisis arising out of Corona and on the other hand, a good depiction of the fabric of social life is also seen.
Another Hindi Author Dr. Tarsem Gujral says that there are mainly three sutras of novel. The first corona pandemic and its widespread ill effects, second husband-wife relationship (in Indian background) and third friendship and friendly generosity. The novel has more space to spread wings, he adds.
Expressing his views, Arvind Tiwari, known for his satires says that the novel is based on the story of a hospital, where the senses are tested very harshly. Man's pride is shattered. Even after the patient has recovered in the hospital, the cannula is not removed from his arm until full payment is made.
Hindi author Sher Singh says that the novel speaks about fear of relatives, hardening of inner feelings, showing formality in relationships. It reveals the cruelty arising out of Covid-19 and exposes the hollowness of the relationship.
Vinod Kumar, Associate Professor, Lovely Professional University, says the creator not only sees the events around him, but while traveling in the whole world by becoming a visionary, makes a good effort to contemplate on the temporal and eternal points, for which the writer deserves appreciation.
Noted Hindi short story writer Kamlesh Bhartiya says that in the novel, the author has tried to express horrors of Corona through his experiences. In the pandemic situation people have become so alone that even real sister feels afraid to tie rakhi to her brother. In the same way, the so-called spiritual gurus who are minting lakhs and lakhs of rupees by preaching their followers of not being afraid of death, are also seen scared of the situation. The writer is successful in uncovering these spiritual gurus.
Hindi author – Vandana Vajpayee says that the novel has been written in simple and easy language. This effort not only reflects the Corona period and the circumstances arising out of it, but such things of philosophy and dimension have been threaded in it, on which the reader stops and gets immersed in contemplation. The use of Punjabi language attracts attention at some places in the novel.
Hindi storywriter Manoj Dhiman says that the novel narrates a lot. It carries many stories, many tales at once. Tales of happiness and sadness. The novel talks about various aspects of relationships. It speaks about memories, social concerns and financial difficulties. It also mentions about big crocodiles, small fish. The novel talks about fear of the darkness, looking for light and many more.