Sarthak Foundation conducts sapling plantation drive
Theme for 2020 will be environment protection

Panchkula: Panchkula based non-government-organization(NGO), Sarthak Foundation conducted a sapling plantation drive as part of its social responsibility. Saplings of mango trees were planted.
Sarthak Foundation’s President Lokesh Saurav Sharma said, “I celebrated my birthday by conducting a plantation drive. I strongly believe that all of us should contribute to society on birth and other anniversary celebrations by conducting environment protection drives, distributing items of need to underprivileged residents etc. This will be the real celebration, which will benefit the country.”
On this occasion, Prabhu Nath Shahi, President of National Veteran Forest Forum, a young social worker Ankit Dubey and environmentalist Hitesh Verma were present among a host of others. All took an oath to protect the fragile environment.
It was also announced that the Sarthak Foundation’s theme for 2020 will be environment protection.